Tuesday, November 22, 2011

How to clean adidas adi rise mids?

I usually get shoes with black soles so I don't have to deal with dirt and grime messing up the shoe, but does anyone know how to wash the white bottom part on the Adidas Rise Mids. I can't use the shoe scrubber foam cause there's leather content right above the white part which I'm scared will damage the shoe, so does anyone know how to wash it EFFECTIVELY. Thanks a lot!|||Do you ever go down the cleaning aisle at the supermarket? They have these brushes which you could use to scrub walls and floors and carpet and the like. Just dip the soles of your shoes in warm soapy water for a few minutes and let just the soles get wet. Come back with your stiff scrubbing brush and just go for it. Maybe tap the soles on some dry rags first to protect the leather. The brush should pick up a lot of the muck (also you could use a bit of baking soda if you need something gritty and abrasive to pick up stuff that's sticky).

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